A Clear cut Tonsil stones diagnosis and its symptoms in your throat
“What's happening in my mouth? Are these the symptoms of tonsil stones?” This is the question that might be haunting ...

Acid Reflux and tonsil stones: Is there any possible connection?
You brush almost daily.. Not maybe best, but you even maintain the oral hygiene.. Then why are you getting these ...

Adults Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day timeline
For many people.. More than the tonsillectomy, it's the tonsillectomy recovery process that is more painful. Yes, as a person ...

An Almost Instant way to stop Tonsil stones and its bad breath
Are you having a stinky bad breath, even when you take good oral care of your mouth? Then.. YOU MIGHT ...

Antibiotics for Tonsil stones: Can they get rid of the existing stones?
Are you wondering whether to take antibiotics for tonsil stones or not? Are you still in a confusion that can ...

Apple cider vinegar for Tonsil stones: Does this gargle dissolve them?
A Tonsil stone is a calcium based stone that is formed on the soft tonsil gland present in your deeper ...

Are tonsil stones and Tonsillitis getting contagious? Is it a Big Myth?
This is one of the biggest fears that often worry people who are affected by tonsil problems.. Whatever may be ...

Are tonsil stones bad? An analysis based on True people having tonsil stones..
Are tonsil stones soo bad? Some say they are harmless, But why do so many go to the extent of ...

Are Tonsil stones contagious? Also what about tonsil stones bacteria?
Whenever a person gets a small tonsil stone in his mouth, the first thing he/she start to worry is.. "Are ...

Are Tonsil stones dangerous? The Real Truth you should know
Almost many websites tell you the same thing that tonsil stones are harmless globs that no way affects or damages ...
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