Before knowing about my book. First, Listen to this case study on Elsa. (And the light colored text are true stories)

Elsa was a happy woman. Her life was all about herself – Her cute boyfriend – And her office.  She worked in a nearby company in CA. As much as she worked, she also enjoyed life to the fullest. She always feels that god was there for her, making life always happy.

Her story begins on Day 1.

Day 1: It was a fine morning when Elsa first started feeling a slight bad breath from her throat. She told herself that “Maybe I require more oral hygiene”. Thus she brushed more that night and ignored it.

Day 10: The bad breath became intense. She started facing comments from colleagues and friends. She was not a weak girl. She was strong enough to face the comments and thus ignored everyone. Next morning, she started searching the entire internet for bad breath remedies. She started using mouthwashes, salt, lime etc etc.

True Story: I had chronic bad breath all my life,  I would hear comments from relatives on how bad my breath was (smelled like fart). I had many humiliating moments when kids mentioned my bad breath to my face and sometimes in front of others, All because of tonsil stones:(

Day 20: Maybe It was the day that affected her the most. It was the day when her boyfriend moved a distance from her face due to her bad breath.

She was feeling sooo emotional and humiliated. After a lot of research, she understood that the underlying problem of her bad breath was tonsil stones. She started searching the web. She used all her intelligence, resources and noted down many remedies like “ Maintaining oral hygiene” “Eating good food” to eliminate the stones. She somewhat felt relaxed for a while.

True Story: I have done a lot of googling already. They all tell me pretty much the same thing. The thing is if i could get them out everytime, then i would be fine.

Day 30: Elsa started worrying. How many times she remove the stones, another one is coming up just within few days. She didn’t know what to do. Her bad breath became much more horrible. She started feeling tensed. Immediately, she took an appointment and went to her family ENT doctor. She was shocked when her ENT suggested complete removal of her tonsils.

True story: I went to my doctor who told me to go to my dentist. My dentist then told me to go to the doctor> I visited the hygienist at the Dentist who had never heard of tonsil stones. She recommended to speak to the doctor too. Thats why I went online. I still have this tonsil stones problem.

Day 40: Thinking for a few days, she went on for the surgery and underwent low success rate tonsillectomy. She suffered many days with pain because of surgery. Later, she understood that she is more affected by viral infections than others. Just because of the removal of tonsils.

True story: Worst pain ever! I’m a week out of tonsillectomy and the pain gets worse every day. I’ve had injuries and surgery before, but this is absolutely horrible. I can’t speak, eat or drink, feels like someone is cutting my throat open constantly.

Though she continued back her routine life. She always know that she was not that happy, as before

END of the story

This is the story that happens in most of the tonsil stones cases

Sometimes, people even suffer with tonsil stones for years and years and years together..

True Story: I Have Tonsil Stones.  I’ve been living with tonsil stones since the age of 8 (almost 20 now).By this point I was having to remove up to 4 tonsil stones a month. It’s horrible having to live with it. 

True Story: I have had tonsil stones for almost five years. I didn’t know what they were and I felt so alone! Since having stones I have had more colds and strep throat too.What to do?

Your Story has already started too…

Yes, your story of tonsil stones has started too.

The undeniable fact of having tonsil stones in the mouth and searching for a cure on web….. Sometimes this is the most disturbing feeling anyone can have.


Tell me, Are you that normal weak person, who accept problems and suffer all along? You have that deep strength and courage to face any problem and get back your happy life.

Maybe it’s your intense desire and hope, that brought you to this page..

Just, Believe me, these are the last days of your Tonsil stones problem. I promise, Within few days… Everything is gonna change

So let’s begin your fight against bad breath and tonsil stones.

The 3 Puzzles of Tonsil stones no-one discusses.. (Not even doctors)

1. Do you know, the cause for Tonsil stones is different for different persons? The cure you choose must act on that cause.

For example..what is the point of using a mouthwash daily, but your tonsil stones are caused by mucus and post nasal drip.

2. Do you know the treatment for tonsil stones works, only if you constructed it based on the type of your stone?

What’s the type of your stone?. (hidden, visible white spot, bleeding stones or any other)

3. Do you know the correct Pre & Post cure that needs to be done during the removal of tonsil stones?

People directly pull out the tonsil stone and get away thinking that it is over. But, a proper pre-treatment and post-treatment are what everyone misses.

These are the mistakes, everyone like you, does while trying to cure tonsil stones. Now, You could have understood why every treatment and remedy across the web is failing.

This is what “Tonsil stones eliminator” exactly solves – Solving the missing puzzle.

Yes, The 7 Step Tonsil stones Eliminator removes even deep Tonsil stones and puts an undeniable seal to your embarrassing Bad breath.

Here it is..


The Super success story of Jennisse Baez, USA

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The Benefit you can see in first 6 Days..

  1. You will start seeing more than 75% decrease in your bad breath within the first 4 days of following the eBook.
  2. Almost 90% of the people who used tonsil stones eliminator expressed that they were able to remove all the stones in the first 6 days.
  3. Almost every person who studied the book’s topic “unfound mysteries behind reoccurring tonsil stones” were able to find the exact way to eliminate tonsil stones permanently from their life.

The Pleasure you will start feeling within Few days..

  • You will be able to dislodge all the stones present in your throat in a perfect manner. Thus you will start feeling a sense of happiness.
  • The humiliating Foul smell from your mouth completely gets sealed forever.Imagine how peaceful it would be if you start feeling your breath a lot fresher every morning.
  • You need not feel self-conscious about your bad breath and can hang out freely with a beautiful smile. You feel soo confident as you never have to hold the breath just because others may notice it.
  • You will be get rid of tonsil stones, such that they will never come back in your life. Thus you will permanently restore back your happy life.

Our Happy Readers Count:

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In a single word..

You don’t have to deal with these tonsil stones for the rest of your life.. You will start enjoying a peaceful tonsil stone free life… 

37.75$ For a Lifetime access (30 Day money back guarantee)

It is 37.75$. I promise the product’s true worth is much higher than this as it has some unbelievable content that you can’t find anywhere else.

Still in Doubt?

Start with the Free Preview Copy.. 

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Final Attention: (My honest word)

Remember at the end of the day, you are alone in this busy world of billions. It’s you, who needs to care for your health and happiness. Don’t push away your healthy smile and happiness from the life.

What’s the day of your story? Don’t fall into the same trap of Elsa..Get Tonsil stones eliminator complete guide before it becomes tomorrow.

Again I say, whatever.. Today.. Today..

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Now…The ball is in your court. Listen to the true story..

Story: For years, my general practioner told me that it was food getting lodged into the throat cavaties. i went to an ent in orange, ca, and he was completely useless, as i did not have any at the time. i’d been getting them for the last 7 yrs or so…i’m 21 now. 

Don’t force your Life to be so miserable for years together..

It surely works for you.. Because It worked unbelievably for many..

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