According to American health survey, over 6% of total population suffers from the condition of tonsil stones. The tricky thing about tonsil stones is that it varies to a large extent in each one’s case.
You may have seen many people and websites saying Tonsil stones are not at all dangerous or harmful. But do you know… This is just a half truth.
Yes..If they are completely harmless and not a big deal, why would thousands of people go to tonsillectomy each day? See Where can I get a step by step clear guidance that helps eliminate my tonsil stones?
Why would people’s life turn out to be a hell once the stones appeared?
Though the tonsil stones may not kill you or cause death..
Just Listen to these 2 true stories across forums..
Story 1: Ew I have the worst tonsil stones. Plus a sore throat. With the tonsil stones and sore throat they’re making my tonsils very infected and hard to breathe at all.
Story 2: I Have Tonsil Stones “/ I’ve been living with tonsil stones since the age of 8.By this point I was having to remove up to 4 tonsil stones a month. It’s horrible having to live with it…if I dont want to take them out then I have to live with…
There are tons and tons of cases in which tonsil stones become so harmful, irritating that people can’t even swallow food.
You may feel like I am threatening you.. But there are lots and lots of chronical tonsil stones that makes one’s life truly miserable.
But in handful cases you can hear this too..
story: I get these tonsil stones. They’re harmless globs of bacteria, dead cells, food, etc. They smell like rotting sulfer/eggs. They are great fun to play with.
story: Tonsilliths (tonsil “stones”),out, are harmless. I get them on my right tonsil. I first discovered them a few years ago but I have learned to deal with them.
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Are you confused?
You may be completely confused..
This is what I said at the beginning of the article..
“The tricky thing about tonsil stones is that it varies to a large extent in each one’s case.“
So never listen to anyone. Some say it may be dangerous.. Some may end up saying completely the reverse of it.
So here is the complete Truth..
Today I’ll give you the complete truth with which you can completely free up your mind with such doubts of Tonsil stones complications and seriousness.
The harmfulness or the effects of the tonsil stones mainly depends on the size of your tonsil stones and some key factors.
Check out the following 4 cases in which it is similar to you the most. Observe each line carefully such that you won’t conclude for a wrong case.
Case 1:
I’ll start from the lowest case..
Your symptoms:
The tonsil stones are almost invisible in this case. You will not be able to find them using a mirror. But what you could experience is the bad breath. Yes a continued bad breath from many days for no particular reason. I know it is hard to identify in this case. But a clear attention can show you some light. See Is my bad breath because of hidden Tonsil stones?
pc:Alisha Vargas via Flickr cc2.0
Level of Danger:
Very low. Yes if your case is similar to this, mostly you truly don’t have any danger. Don’t think too much and just relax.
What should I do?
You just need to take good oral hygiene from now. This is the stage when the tonsil stones are trying to make their way to develop in your mouth. Just remember one thing, Kill all the bacteria in your mouth each day and each night. Make your mouth unsuitable for bacteria. This can be achieved by using mouth washes, hydrogen peroxide, the powerful source spot technique etc.
See An almost instant way to stop tonsil stones and its bad breath
Case 2:
Your symptoms:
You can see small white spots on your tonsils. The size of white spots may be as small as a grain. Again continued bad breath is existent without any particular reason. You will not feel any pain. But you could feel the tonsil stones metallic taste using the tongue swipe test. You can also perform the moving and mirror test to make yourself sure.
Level of Danger:
In your case, you don’t have any danger to your oral health. But what disturbs you soon are the embarrassing problems due to increased bad breath. You will start feeling irritated and your mind might get occupied with the white spots as you could see them whenever you brush. So if yours is this case, get ready for mental irritability.See How to get rid of my tonsil stones Quickly tonight?
What should I do?
You got the right time to act on your tonsil stones and take some perfect measures. The first step you need to take is to clear away your existing white spots on your tonsil. You can even try some natural removal methods to get rid of your stones. Don’t try to act and ignore. Once you got that white spot removed, you have cleared the source for your problem. Next step includes the cleaning and killing bacteria in your mouth thus stopping recurring of tonsil stones. See The natural way out for eliminating tonsil stones completely
Case 3:
Your symptoms:
You can easily identify a big white spot on your tonsils. It is almost the size of a button. You will start coughing many times a day without any particular reasons like cold or dust or anything. You could sometimes feel a slight pain on tonsils and ear too. You have a consistent heavy bad breath. You could feel the sensation of the stones in your throat so clearly. See What to do with these big white spots on my tonsils?
Level of Danger:
We can say that you are almost at a last edge to enter the danger stage of tonsil stones. So, Are the tonsil stones dangerous in your case? Yes. You may have the risk of strep,sore throat causing further damage in your mouth. Some tissues of your tonsils may start getting damaged due to the existing stone on that tonsil. In your case the presence of bacteria is so high such it may sometimes rarely cause some other tonsil problems too.
What should I do?
Some serious action need to be taken by you right from today. Don’t dare to ignore the symptoms that your mouth shows. Removal of the stone is very much important right now. In my book “Tonsil stones eliminator” I said that using the cotton swab technique or some other hard physical methods you can get rid of these stones. As you may face some other problems too, you need to gear up yourself to treat them too. For example, if you get a strep, start treating it immediately. Similarly, if you get some deep pain, start curing the damaged tissues using natural methods like eating honey, drinking ginger tea etc.
Case 4:
Your symptoms:
In your case, you can observe many deep disgusting symptoms. You could clearly see a cluster/nest of Tonsil stones in your throat. You will experience heavy ear pains sometimes, followed by difficulty in swallowing food too. You feel like the stones are stuck in your throat. You may experience even blood while trying to remove the stones. See Should I Get my Tonsils removed? Is it the best way out?
Level of Danger:
So the answer is purely yes. If you belong to this case, you have a high risk of facing all tonsil related and mouth related problems. You are even prone to startling problem like tonsillitis. The stones reappear and reappear thus increasing the effect of damage. The Tonsil tissues start getting deeply damaged thus forcing you for a tonsillectomy. See “I am getting these stones again and again” What should I do?
What should I do?
You could prefer taking antibiotics to stop the damaging tissues. This may prevent deep rooting of the infection too. The problem is antibiotics does not guarantee a long term resolution. Follow the three phase treatment along with the continued use of antibiotics. The three phase treatment includes Killing infection followed by healing damaged tissues followed by acting to core removal. You can see this article “Tonsil stones bleeding cure” in which I clearly explained the above three phase treatment.
So what’s your case?
So don’t just believe anyone’s words. It’s in your hands to identify your case of tonsil stones and thus finding out its seriousness.
Tonsil stones is a complex problem that even natural therapists or doctors fail to understand completely.
Today, at what stage you may be in, Soon you may tend to reach from case 1 to case 4 and get frightening side-effects that you can’t even hide from anyone.
But Now
If you want to eliminate tonsil stones permanently from your life. If you want to get rid of a stressful life of breath-consciousness all the time.
Here is what to do..
Watch the CASE STUDY that helps you eliminate tonsil stones in what ever stage you may be in..
(This won’t be available forever)
Know more :
Are tonsil stones bad? An analysis based on true people
How long do tonsil stones last? Days? weeks? Years
Facing blood while Removing Tonsil stones? Cure Tonsil stones bleeding
Tonsil stone vacuum method : The removal method with massive success rate
5 Powerful Ways to get rid of Tonsil stones bad smell
5 Ways to remove Tonsil stones even if you can’t see them
A case of Tonsil Stones Without Tonsils? Frighteningly is it possible?
There is definately a lot to learn about this
issue. I really like all of the points you made.