Tonsillectomy is one of the painful surgeries that worries a person for more than a couple of weeks..
And, when this tonsillectomy is done on your child, it’s even more excruciating, especially the recovery part.
So, Knowing your child tonsillectomy recovery (day by day timeline), can not only make you aware of any serious symptoms caused by surgery but also gives you a strength to prepare your child for the dreadful tonsillectomy recovery process.
The Tonsillectomy and the post-surgery problems:
If your child is undergoing tonsillectomy or has already undergone one, you need to tell yourself that it is not a simple journey. Unlike many other simple surgeries, tonsil surgery causes a number of side effects that even last for many weeks.
Often many people worry seeing these side effects and think that something has gone wrong with their child’s surgery. But this is completely false. If your child’s tonsils are removed, then you must at least expect a dozen number of side effects within the span of 10-15 days. See Should I get my Tonsils removed? Is it the best way out?
So, What to expect post-tonsillectomy?
post-tonsillectomy, especially the surgery recovery phase is a roller coaster ride, which includes severe pain, bad breath and sometimes even nausea. Here are some of the common effects of tonsil surgery you can expect in your child in the coming few days..
- A Low-grade fever
- Extreme Nausea and dizziness
- White scabs at the back of your child’s throat
- Bad breath and dryness of mouth
- Vomiting, sometimes even blood included in them
- And finally constipation too (Due to the meds)
Child Tonsillectomy Recovery Day by Day:
Many websites, across the internet give out the same bookish remedies which doesn’t work to real people. Unlike them we are giving complete research-backed solutions from almost 7 Years. Thus you will not find this practical content anywhere else across the internet.
So, coming to the point.. Child Tonsillectomy recovery..
The time taken to recover from a tonsillectomy depends on many factors including the type of tonsillectomy, and even one’s age. Yes, But it is a known that children do recover faster when compared to adults. See What to do when your child gets Tonsil stones?
Child Tonsillectomy recovery Day 1 – Day 3: The First days

These are initial days right after your child’s tonsils are removed. Although some kids experience pain, many of them may not feel it due to the heavy painkillers and meds taken by the child.
Contrary on the other side, using these medicines, can put your child in a dizzy state. He/she may be prone to severe nausea and may even be under a very disturbed sleep. However, some specialized acupressure bands can be very much effective in controlling your child’s nausea.
In fact, many children may even get a low-grade fever during this time. Also, they may be prone to vomiting due to excess nausea which is sometimes included with blood in them. (Don’t hesitate to seek your doctor’s attention if you see heavy bleeding)
The white scabs too are raw and are appear like bright patches near the area of the surgery.
Child Tonsillectomy recovery Day 4 – Day 6:

Image:Scott Harris via Wikimedia Commons cc2.0
As of a consequence of reducing the pain meds, your child may start to experience the pain of surgery. On the positive side, he/she may feel lesser nausea due to the decreased pain meds. But if he/she feels more pain, it is better you provide him the pain meds again.
One of the most important things your child may experience during Day 4- 6 is the severe ear pain. This is due to the nerves affected due to the tonsil surgery. As this ear pain can’t be reduced by any pain meds, you need to prepare your child to face this ear pain. Of course, the ear pain can’t be stopped completely, however, your kid can get some quick relief by sleeping on specialized ear-pain relief pillows
Additionally, once the first 3 days pass by, the child starts to notice some strange taste in the mouth added with an extremely bad breath. In fact, this terrible bad breath is a sign of healing and So make sure your child doesn’t feel embarrassed with this bad breath and tell him this is just temporary.
It is sometimes even possible that your child may fail to experience proper tastes of the foods he takes. This is often due to the surgery and the presence of scabs on his/her tonsils.
Child Tonsillectomy Recovery Day 7 – Day 10: The scabs clearing Time

Out of all days, these are the crucial days in the process of tonsillectomy recovery. Yes, these are the days during which the scabs behind your child’s throat start to heal off. The scabs start to wear off with a new pink skin covering them completely forever.
As scabs start to come off and the coming new skin being very sensitive, this is the time when your child experiences a severe pain. You can also consider these days to be the most painful days for your child. This is because your child feels an extreme pain especially near the scabs which is also added with throat and ear pain. You can use kid-friendly ice packs like these regularly to make your child cope up with these severe pains.
At times, the sensitive skin forming on the scabs may create a burning sensation in your child’s throat making it difficult even to eat or drink.
On the other hand, you can clearly see your child’s bad breath to be drastically reducing day after day and his scabs getting covered by newer pinker skin.
Child Tonsillectomy Recovery Day 11 – Day 14: Back to Normal Time

First of all, congratulate yourself and your child once he/she reaches this part of the recovery phase. This is almost the beginning of new days as all the side effects of tonsillectomy start to go off faster and faster.
You can clearly see your child’s surgery site to be almost normal (with new skin) and the child feeling very less or no pain at all. Your kid’s bad breath and earache too start to get better and better until they are completely gone.
However, your child may feel itchy at the back of the throat, but it is fine as it is a sign of healed surgery wound.
Finally, Remember one thing.. Although the average recovery time for a tonsillectomy surgery is 14-15 days, it may vary differently and may take longer or shorter depending on your toddler.

Know more:
What to do when your child gets Tonsil stones?
A Case of tonsil stones without tonsils? Frighteningly is it possible?
Tonsillectomy for Tonsil stones: Is it the best way out for tonsilloliths?
Does Tonsil stones surgery (Laser surgery) truly work?